BlueCielo Meridian REFSYS 2012 Developer's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About customizing Meridian > Document naming conventions

Document naming conventions

The naming conventions of all documents are determined by the single VBScript function RecalcName for each document type group.

The document naming conventions are described in the following table.

Document naming conventions
Document Type Group Description

Plant Documents

The default name is calculated by the function RecalcAssetDocumentBaseName. The result is stored in the property Custom.DocumentNr. The function uses the convention <DefaultName> + Custom.Sheetnr. Underscores are removed.

The project name is added for documents that are located in the Projects branch. This behavior can be configuring using the USEPROJECTINNAME setting. The default for this setting is True to allow two project copies to be added to the same as-built or merge type project.

Documentnr is only recalculated when bForceName is True or the Issue New File Name command is invoked.

Generic Documents

Custom.DocumentNr + Custom.Description when the setting USEDESCRIPTIONINNAME is enabled.

Project Documents

Custom.DocumentNr + Custom.Description when the setting USEDESCRIPTIONINNAME is enabled.

Object Documents


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